Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Children need to be taught to be charitable....

It is good to teach....but it is better to do.
Some of God's children on earth were born with a natural tendency to be charitable. The rest, need to learn this quality and embrace it in their hearts. And it is not something that just comes to us over time, it is easier if charity is a part of our lives from a young age, demonstrated by our parents, teachers and leaders, then it becomes second nature. I have a special child that was born with a charitable heart, but my other children have learned charity by watching me. My charity work began long before they were ever born, when my own troubled childhood, a high school service project, my passion for babies, especially those born too soon, and my God given talent for sewing led me to a group called Newborns in Need. I could never know at that time that I (or my children rather) would be the recipient of items so lovingly made by volunteers of this group when three of my four children were born ill and spent time in the NICU at a hospital I had regularly donated to. Also I had made donations to the Make-A Wish foundation and done charity fund-raising events for the organization before I ever knew my own little boy would have a wish granted. Charity was healing, charity filled an emptiness in my heart after abuse in my childhood, charity helped build a fragile self esteem, charity helped to calm a troubled spirit and filled my time with a positive activity that could have just as easily be filled with a negative one. Charity gives you purpose, And most importantly, through charity we are acting as our Heavenly Father's hands here on earth....we are his Angels, his Miracle Workers, and what greater honor could we give our children than this: to be angels unknown. And what better way to build character and love and compassion for those who are less fortunate and help others bear a heavy burden as our have been lifted by our Savior. I have a small bit of insight on what those tiny items of clothing meant to a new mother who's baby was connected to all kinds of machines just to sustain life, those clothes bring comfort and ease very real fear....and that wish has brought excitement and hope to my child, a child who is so brave and strong and happy just to be what he is, who doesn't resent that his body does not work even though his mind does and he is very aware of how different he is....but HE is not the one who is broken, he is the most perfect, loving and giving person I know and he gives me strength through his courage and willingness, he "gives" just by being here in my life. He touches lives without ever having to do anything other than smile, though he does so much more. His voice is loud through his actions even though he can not speak, not the way you and I can. He has power within him that we can not even fathom to change hearts to those who let him take part in their lives, I have seen it, and I have marveled at it, and I have rejoiced in this and I am HONORED above anything to be part of his live and blessed with the strength I have gained from being a mother to a Giving Child. My other children have learned by this example to have charity in their hearts, a lesson that I have always tried to demonstrate and teach them through my work, but could not be better taught than by their brother, a small child like them who is so willing to give.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you are right to set a good example for the young ones. I did so and have been rewarded with two charitable children. Here's a link to a story I wrote about my very giving daughter:

