Monday, February 8, 2010

My Special Valentine

My sweet husband surprised me with this for Valentine's this year. I haven't played in over 15 years, but it is coming back to me slowly. Now my kids all want an instrument so we can "all be in a band". They can all be happily playing a networked game on their DSi's but the minute they hear me start to play you can bet they will be out in a minute. I think my Cello is SO BEAUTIFUL and I hope that with time and a lot of practice I can play the first song on my playlist....maybe half as good as Yo-Yo Ma!


  1. That is so exciting. 2 Christmas' ago Herb bought me a beautiful violin. I also had not played in years and my old one was just the cheapie kind you get in the 4th grade. I have loved playing (of course when nobody else is listening). On day I am going to be good enough to play for them as well. Keep practicing, hey maybe we should play something together. Jen Christensen plays the viola we almost have an entire orchestra. Love you guys.

  2. Hey, if we get enough practice! I was playing "I Am a Child of God" for the kids yesterday....
